Portrait | Name | Role at KCDS | Research Interests | Homepage | |
Dr. Andreas Ott | andreas ott ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Topological Data Analysis | ||
Prof. Dr. André Platzer | MATH Supervisor | Logical foundations for cyber-physical systems and practical theorem proving tools | logic.kastel.kit.edu/andre.html | ||
Prof. Dr. Christian Wieners | christian wieners ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Scientific Computing, Finite Elements, Applications in Solid Mechanics | www.math.kit.edu/ianm3/~wieners/en | |
PD Dr. Gudrun Thäter | gudrun thaeter ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee | Fluid Dynamics and modeling flow | www.math.kit.edu/ianm2/~thaeter/en | |
Dr. Leonid Chaichenets | leonid chaichenets ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Applied Analysis | www.math.kit.edu/csmm/~chaichenets/en | |
Prof. Dr. Marlis Hochbruck | marlis hochbruck ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Numerical Methods for Image Processing, Num. Mathematics | na.math.kit.edu/marlis/?lang=en | |
Prof. Dr. Martin Frank | martin frank ∂ kit edu | Scientific Speaker, MATH Supervisor | High-performance computing, uncertainty quantification, mathematical models | ||
PD Dr. Mathias Krause | mathias krause ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Modelling, Simulation and Control of Fluid Flows | www.lbrg.kit.edu | |
Prof. Dr. Mathias Trabs | trabs ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering committee | Nonparametric and high-dimensional Statistics | www.math.kit.edu/stoch/~trabs/ | |
Prof. Dr. Melanie Schienle | melanie schienle ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee | Statistics and Econometrics | statistik.econ.kit.edu/mitarbeiter_2068.php | |
Prof. Dr. Nicole Bäuerle | nicole baeuerle ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Stochastic processes and control | www.math.kit.edu/stoch/~baeuerle/en | |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Grothe | grothe ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor, SEE Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee | Multivariate statistics and data analytics, statistical learning, energy | as.ior.kit.edu | |
Dr. Oliver Kirner | ole kirner ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Computational Science, Atmospheric Research | www.scc.kit.edu/personen/oliver.kirner.php | |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Stein | oliver stein ∂ kit edu | MATH Supervisor | Inverse Problems and Optimization | ||