Join as a KCDS Supervisor
Researchers at KIT can join and support the school as KCDS Supervisors
What does it mean to be a KCDS Supervisor?
Supervision of doctoral researchers
- Researchers on the KCDS Supervisor list are available to be approached by (prospective) doctoral researchers to become their MATH or SEE Supervisor as part of a supervision tandem.
- As part of a supervision tandem of a doctoral researcher, you are also part of their Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC), which has three formal meetings in three years.
- We strive to make the commitment of scientists in earlier career stages (who don’t have examiner’s authorization in a doctoral examination yet) for KCDS visible: The doctoral thesis supervisor role is independent from the KCDS Supervisor (MATH/SEE) role. The doctoral thesis supervisor can be one of the KCDS Supervisors (congruence), but can also be a different person. If the latter case arises, a close collaboration between doctoral thesis supervisors and KCDS Supervisors is beneficial.
Contributions to the qualification program
- We'd like you to become involved - by opening up your master level courses to KCDS Fellows, by providing talks or workshops or opening up your network to us.
- The KCDS Coordination Office will keep you up-to-date on major events and projects of the graduate school (like summer schools).
If your research is in the field of model-driven and data-driven computational science and you would like to join the school as a KCDS Supervisor, please get in touch.