KCDS Supervisors

All KCDS Supervisors (MATH and SEE) are members of the Board of Researchers.

KCDS Supervisors - mathematical sciences (MATH)
Portrait Name E-Mail Role at KCDS Research Interests Homepage
roman sauer does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Algebraic topology and geometric and measurable group theory
Leonid Chaichenets
leonid chaichenets does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Applied Analysis
  ole kirner does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Computational Science, Atmospheric Research
  stefan nickel does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Discrete Optimization, Optimization under Uncertainty, Discrete Event Simulation, Coupling of Simulation and Optimization, Location Theory
gudrun thaeter does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Fluid Dynamics and modeling flow
martin frank does-not-exist.kit edu Scientific Speaker, MATH Supervisor High-performance computing, uncertainty quantification, mathematical models
oliver stein does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Inverse Problems and Optimization
Kevin Lorenzi
  MATH Supervisor Logical foundations for cyber-physical systems and practical theorem proving tools
  mathias krause does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Modelling, Simulation and Control of Fluid Flows
grothe does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, SEE Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Multivariate statistics and data analytics, statistical learning, energy
trabs does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering committee Nonparametric and high-dimensional Statistics
  marlis hochbruck does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Numerical Methods for Image Processing, Num. Mathematics
  sebastian lerch does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Probabilistic forecasting, machine learning, mathematical methods for forecast evaluation, and applications in environmental sciences and economics
  christian wieners does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Scientific Computing, Finite Elements, Applications in Solid Mechanics
  melanie schienle does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Statistics and Econometrics
nicole baeuerle does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Stochastic processes and control
    MATH Supervisor Time integration of PDEs (in particular splitting methods and methods for highly oscillatory problems), high-dimensional problems
  andreas ott does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor Topological Data Analysis
sebastian krumscheid does-not-exist.kit edu MATH Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Uncertainty Quantification for mathematical and computational models, data-driven modeling
5 additional persons visible within KIT only.
KCDS Supervisors - SEE disciplines (SEE)
Portrait Name E-Mail Role at KCDS Research Interests Homepage
peter betsch does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Numerical modeling and simulation of materials
peter braesicke does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Atmospheric composition and climate interactions using simulations
  SEE Supervisor Inverse Methods, Tomography, Data Visualization, Terahertz Waves, Machine Learning
jan cermak does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Aerosol and clouds in climate system, remote sensing
Uli Weiss
jordan denev does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Computational Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy conversion, Engineering in Energy and Mobility, Machine Learning
achim dittler does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor
Uwe Ehret
  Deputy Scientific Speaker, SEE Supervisor Hydrological modeling (process- and data based), information theory
marcus elstner does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Multiscale computational methods
    SEE Supervisor Fluid mechanics
  SEE Supervisor
  kai furmans does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Stochastic Models for Material Handling Systems and Lean Production Systems
  germaine goetzelmann does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data Management, Data Analysis, Computational Humanities, Computer Vision
lutz groell does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Mathematical modeling, system analysis of models, model-based and data-driven control design
stefan hinz does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Machine Learning for Parameter Retrieval from Remote Sensing Data; Semantic and Stochastic Models in Computer Vision
corinna hoose does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Aerosol-cloud interactions, Numerical modelling
ali hoshyaripour does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor  
  vandana jha does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
    SEE Supervisor Material modeling and process simulation in lightweight design
� www.kit.edu
peter knippertz does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Dynamics and predictability of weather systems
fabian krueger does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Applied econometrics
hansjoerg kutterer does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Geodetic Earth System Science
ralf loritz does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Deep learning-based predictions in hydrological systems
thomas meurer does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Model and data based analysis, control and (online) optimization for complex dynamical systems
joerg meyer2 does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data management and data analytics
ralf mikut does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Automated Image and Data Analysis
  SEE Supervisor
hermann nirschl does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Fluid flow, mechanical process engineering, numerical simulation
clemens puppe does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Social choice theory, Judgement aggregation, Game theory, Microeconomic theory
julian quinting does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Atmospheric predictability and machine learning models
  rietbrock does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Seismology
andrea santamaria does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor, member of the Steering Committee Control tasks and POMDPs, reinforcement learning, surrogate modelling, particle accelerators
linus seelinger does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Uncertainty quantification (UQ), High performance computing (HPC), Numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs)
achim streit does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Data Management, Data Analysis, Interdisciplinary R&D, Distributed Computing
dimosthenis trimis does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Modelling of Reactive Flows, Multiscale Modelling
markus ulrich does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Machine Learning; Uncertainty Quantification; Modelling for Computer Vision and Photogrammetry
peter vortisch does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor Mobility behaviour research, modelling and simulation of transport systems, traffic control
Florian Wittemann
florian wittemann does-not-exist.kit edu SEE Supervisor  
15 additional persons visible within KIT only.