KCDS Retreat 2023

The second annual KCDS Retreat took place from November 13-15, 2023 at Naturfreundehaus Kniebis in the middle of the relaxing environment of the Black Forest.
The retreat was exclusive to members of the graduate school. It was joined by KCDS Fellows, KCDS Supervisors and a member of the KCDS coordination office who took part in the event and its various activities.
While a big part of the program consisted of academic activities, like presentations of new KCDS members’ research topics or a poster session with a particular focus on current research tasks of the PhD students, it also included several social activities, such as group games, yoga and hiking. Additionally, new organizational teams for the upcoming KCDS events in 2024 have been formed and the Doctoral Researcher Representatives (DRR) for the academic year 2023/24 have been elected.
All in all, it was a great success in terms of scientific exchange and networking for all participants.
We'd like to thank everyone who contributed and participated and are looking forward to the next KCDS Retreat in 2024!
Detailed agenda: Agenda Retreat 2023
Report: Jaroslav Borodavka