KCDS Summer School 2023

KCDS Summer School 2023 group photo
Dr. Marvin Höge and participants
Session 1 - Speaker and participants
Session with participants
Session 1 - participants
Poster session
Poster session
Poster session - detail
Poster session - detail

The first KCDS Summer School on Stochastic and Hybrid Modelling took place from September 18-20, 2023 at KIT Campus South.

The event was open to participants from KIT, other Helmholtz Centers, universities and beyond. We were happy to welcome 36 participants including KCDS members, members from other KIT Graduate Schools such as GRACE, participants from various Helmholtz Centers and other universities.

The program included theory and hands-on sessions, a poster session of the participants and a social event at Höpfner Brewery as well as a networking dinner.

Session topics and speakers were:

  • "Neural ODEs", Dr. Marvin Höge (Eawag)
  • "Stochastic Modelling of Spatial Data", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marco Oesting (Institute of Stochastic and Applications, University of Stuttgart)
  • "Uncertainty quantification: From basics to high-performance computing", Dr. Linus Seelinger (formerly of Uni Heidelberg, now KIT) and Dr. Lorenzo Tamellini (CNR-IMATI Pavia)

Find more detailed info on the sessions on the project website.

The KCDS Summer School 2023 was made possible with the friendly financial support of Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA).

We'd like to thank everyone who contributed and participated and are looking forward to the next KCDS Summer School in 2024!

Report: Eduardo Acuna Espinoza

KCDS Summer School 2023 - Organizational team
Name Role at KCDS
KCDS Fellow
KCDS Fellow
KCDS Fellow
KCDS Fellow
Coordination KIT Graduate School Computational and Data Science